How we care for our children
Children's well-being is more important now than ever. We support children in being resilient, optimistic and adaptable learners even when things are tricky, daunting or new! Our approach really works and the children always have the support, advice and care they need.
We have a number of ways we help the children in school such as:
Wellbeing Wednesdays
Well-being Wednesdays where the children have to reflect on different issues each week such as kindness or being optimistic and positive. This often incorporates Circle Times where the children have opportunity to speak and hear what other children think.
Often the themes of our assemblies addresses directly issues such as bullying and online safety to help remind the children of how they can cope when challenged in such circumstances.
Positive Relationships
We support children’s self-regulation by fostering positive relationships with children and their families so that our young learners understand that we are working in partnership to support, nurture and protect them.
SEAL (Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning)
We follow a programme called SEAL which provides a structured framework and resource for teaching social, emotional and behavioural skills as a whole school approach for all pupils, not just those with challenging behaviour.
The SEAL programme is organised into seven themes: New Beginnings, Getting on and falling out, Say no to bullying, Going for goals!, Good to be me, Relationships and Changes.
Be the Jelly Fish
‘Be The Jellyfish’ is a book by Lucy Cree and Sarah Brogden that aims to support children’s social and emotion wellbeing through ‘Jellyfish Classes’. The classes encourage and support the children to express themselves, be creative and to relax.
The aims of Jellyfish classes are to support the children to:
Discover – themselves, their relationships and the world
Explore – what they have discovered
Express – their imagination, their thoughts and feelings
Manage – their feelings and situations
Develop – socially and emotionally so they can move forward and make changes
Jellyfish classes can be used as an intervention to support children who have a variety of specific needs such as poor academic progress, friendship difficulties, outbursts of anger, difficulty communicating and tummy aches or other persistent complaints.
Classes can be delivered in a variety of ways. This could be 1:1, intervention groups or as an after school club. We currently use ‘Be the Jellyfish’ to support our PHSE curriculum as whole class sessions.
Grounding and Calming Activities
We use a variety of grounding and calming techniques and activities with the children.
In Acorn class you will find a calm corner designed to help the children talk about their feelings and learn to regulate their emotions.
We also have a selection of sensory resources in each classroom.
They use Breathing Buddies to start each afternoon, a great way to support the transition of lunchtime to learning time.
Need some support?
As a school, Stubbings is dedicated to supporting our children and families get the support they need to improve their well-being, and if you need to speak to anyone at the school - be it a member of the Senior Leadership Team or your child's class teacher - get in touch with us here, through Classdojo, a note handed in by your child or contact the office.