Uniform (and how to get it)
At Stubbings, school uniform is not compulsory. We ask that children are dressed in comfortable clothing appropriate for a busy day in the classroom. Optional uniform items are available at www.myclothing.com - see below.
Children play outside almost every day, and therefore they need to bring a coat with them. They also need sensible shoes which parents are happy for them to play out in.
PE kits
We do ask that children have a school kit for PE.
PE kits are available from the school office £7.50 each. The PE kit includes a white T-shirt, blue shorts and a kit bag. It’s really helpful if items of kit are clearly labelled with your child’s name!
All children will be expected to remove jewellery (including earrings) for P.E. to avoid injury to themselves and others. If your child cannot remove earrings independently, please take them out at home on PE days. We cannot accept responsibility for lost jewellery.
How to order
Optional items with the school logo on can be ordered online:
If you have any financial difficulty in meeting the cost of school uniform please contact the school office.