
Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. All our staff at Stubbings are trained at least annually to ensure that they know how to respond sensitively, rapidly and effectively in the case of any safeguarding concerns. We work closely with families to ensure that everyone is working in the very best interests of every child.

Our Safeguarding team

  • Lucy Caswell

    Executive Headteacher

    Designated Safeguarding Lead

    Child Protection Lead

  • Louisa Bright

    Deputy Headteacher

    Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


    Designated Teacher for Children who are Looked After

The chair of Governors is Amanda Ward. The nominated Governor for Child Protection is Mia Simons.

Our school will ensure that the DSL, the DDSL and the governing body attend training relevant to their role. All staff will receive Child Protection training, which is relevant and appropriate to their role. Refresher training is available every three years. Induction training in Safeguarding will be provided to all new staff and volunteers within half a term.