The school day - Key Stage 1
8.40am - 8.50am
A soft start to the day - we have a fifteen minute window for the children to make their way into school. This allows a member of staff to greet them on the door personally, and it helps the children to settle in for a day of learning and fun! In the classroom there are opportunties for children to practise their key skills such as their weekly spellings.
8.50am - 9:30am
We start the school day with Phonics in EYFS and for the Year 1 children in Saplings (KS1).
9:30 - 10.15am
After Phonics it's either Maths or English learning.
10.15am - 10.30am
This is when we stop for an assembly. This may be in our classroom or in the hall. On Fridays we have a special assembly where we share 'Great News' and give out certificates for all the fanatastic learning that has happened!
10:30 - 10.50am
Playtime, followed by a fruit snack and a drink
10.50am - 12pm
Our second lesson of the day will either be Maths or English
12pm - 1.15pm
1.15pm - 3pm
The afternoons often begin with time to practise key skills such as handwriting or with a Guided Reading session. Then, for the rest of the afternoon our lessons cover our broad and balanced curriculum. This maybe PE, History, Art, Computing...
3pm - 3.20
Time to share a book
Time to go home and share our learning with our families.
This means that Stubbings provides 32.5 hours of education in line with government expectations