Remote learning
If our school has to close or if a group of children have to switch to learning at home, for example because of self isolation, this is where you will find information to support you including links to learning materials.
During the pandemic we introduced Class Dojo as the main platform for home learning during partial or whole school closures. Class Dojo enables us to communicate easily with families and helps us keep our home leaners motivated and engaged.
Remote Learning was supported by:
Weekly learning plan emailed or shared via Class Dojo so that families could see the learning for the entire week and this enabled them to organise learning around the needs of their family. Daily learning included Phonics or Spelling, English and Maths and another topic based lesson from the wider curriculum such as Art or Science.
Each lesson had supporting videos, PowerPoints and documents to aid teaching and learning.
Feedback on learning was given through Classdojo, where teachers can message families to give praise and support.
Wellbeing is a high priority so weekly ideas for physical activities such as yoga and mindfulness activities such as breathing techniques were also included in our offer.
Staff read stories to the children, sometimes these were prerecorded and some were live using Microsoft Teams.
Teachers were in regular contact vis Class Dojo messages, but also rang families so that they could support and speak to the children.
The SENCo made weekly calls to all SEND and vulnerable children during the first lockdown when schools were closed.
For further information about our approach and provision for home learning, please read our Home Learning Plan and our Remote Education Information for Parents.
Whilst we’re (hopefully) over the worst of the pandemic, it still remains a possibility that we’ll need to provide remote learning in the event a child is absent due to contracting the virus, or a whole class/school is instructed to close.
Useful Links
White Rose Maths - A set of lessons with video guidance
Blockly Games - Activities and games for computing and ICT
Scratch - Computer programming Skills
Duolingo - Learn a new language online!
Ted Ed - Lots of different subjects covered, you can filter by age range
Cbeebies - Alphablocks and Numberblocks are brilliant for EYFS learners
Nature Detectives - Activities for indoors and outdoors