Our Amazing Team
Ms Lucy Caswell
Executive Headteacher
Mrs Louisa Bright
Deputy Head
English Lead
Mr David Howes
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Joanne Jowett
Business Manager
Mrs Jan Hope-Collins
School Administrator
Ms Racheal Baily
EYFS Teacher
PSHE and RE Lead
Ms Lucy Woodhurst
KS1 Teacher
History and Geography Lead
Ms Melissa Patterson
Teaching Assistant - EYFS
Miss Meredith Stubbs
Kitchen Assistant
Mrs Lorraine Midgley
After School Club Co-ordinator
Lunchtime Supervisor
Ms Wendy Storey
Lunchtime Supervisor
After School Club Playworker
Ms Mags Martin
After school Club Co-ordinator
Ms Molly Pegg
After school Club Playworker
Mr Paul Clayton
Site Manager
Mr Chris Porter
Site Assistant
Join our team
Hebden Bridge Schools Federation is a lovely place to learn and to work, with great support and opportunities across our three schools.