Transition from Year 2
After their time at Stubbings, most children take up a Year 3 place at Riverside Junior School. Riverside is part of the Hebden Bridge Schools Federation.
We work closely with Riverside to ensure that the children's transition into Year 3 is a positive experience.
Our transition arrangements begin in the Autumn term with an opportunity for the Year 2 children to visit Riverside for a festive singalong in December.
From the Spring term onward, a number of transition activities area planned aimed at familiarising the children with the school, staff and children so that they feel confident and settle easily when they start Year 3 in September.
Communication is key…
We talk to the children a lot, preparing them to leave their infant school and join a new school. We know that ‘goodbyes’ are as important as new starts, so we make sure we do this properly. This is done through weekly circle times; talking about what we are looking forward too, any concerns the children may have and looking back at their memories from their time at infant school. There are regular visits to Riverside; especially during the Summer Term and we ask families to let us know if they have any questions.
The Year 2 and Year 3 teachers will meet at the end of the summer term for a handover discussion about the children’s learning, needs and interests.
Children with additional needs
Early in the summer term, the SENCOs from each school will meet and plan additional transitional arrangements for children with special educational needs, to make sure they are properly supported at this crucial stage. Staff will also identify any other children that require additional support with transition. This will be discussed with families.
Transition Activities
Autumn 2 – Festive singalong
Spring 1 – Senior leaders visit our school for an assembly about Riverside
Spring 1 & 2 – Y2’s visit Riverside for playtime
Summer 1 – Y2 Assembly at Riverside followed by a tour of the school
Summer 2– Y3 teachers visit the Y2 classes and lead an activity
Summer 2 – Y2’s spend a morning at Riverside in their Y3 class
Summer 2 – Open night for Y2 families at Riverside