The school day - Foundation
A soft start to the day - we have a fifteen minute window for the children to make their way into school. This allows a member of staff to greet them on the door personally, and it helps the children settle in to school at their own pace. In the classroom there are opportunities for children to practise their fine motor skills by joining in with the 'Busy Fingers' activities.
9am - 9:30am
We start the school day with Phonics.
9.30am - 10.15am
We get busy! This learning session may have a maths or English focus. we like to learn inside and outside. On Wednesdays we enjoy time in the hall using the PE apparatus.
10.15am - 10.30am
This is when we stop and come together for assembly. This may be in our classroom or in the hall. On Wednesdays we have a special assembly where we share 'Great News' and give out certificates for all the fantastic learning that has happened!
10.30 am - 11.30am
We are always busy learning in the provision areas of our colourful classroom. At this time of the day some of the children will share a book as part of a Group Reading session.
11.30am - 11.45am
Time to stop and share a book or watch one of our friends doing 'Show and Tell' before lunch.
11.45am - 1pm
After lunch we like to get ready for the afternoon by spending a few calming minutes with our Breathing Buddies.
1.15pm - 2.50pm
We enjoy exploring and getting creative at all times of the day but especially in the afternoon.
2.50pm - 3pm
A time to share some songs, rhymes and stories before we leave school for the day.
3pm - 3.15pm
The classroom door is open for families to collect their children.