Phonics and Reading at Stubbings
‘Pupils are enthusiastic and confident readers because teachers choose texts that present challenge and ensure interest. In Year 2, the most able were reading ‘James and the Giant Peach’ fluently and with understanding. Teachers’ assessment and pupils’ responses to the texts show that higher numbers are working at greater depth in reading than seen nationally.’
Ofsted, 2017
At Stubbings reading for enjoyment and developing a love of books is a high priority. Children in Acorns; our Early Years class begin to explore letters and sounds through daily phonic sessions and apply this to reading and writing.
The children in Reception take part in group reading sessions and all of the children spend time in the school library each week, choosing a book that they then take home to share with their families. This then continues throughout school.
At Stubbings we follow the 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' scheme for teaching phonics and reading until the children complete the final phase of the scheme; 'Phase 5'. The teaching staff all complete phonics training as a part of the scheme and have access to the training modules and 'how to' videos to ensure consistency.
Every week the children take home a new reading book that is carefully matched to the phonics they are learning in school. We supplement the decodable 'Little Wandle' reading books with decodable books from other schemes. We ensure that we have matched not only the phonics but also the tricky words that appear in these books.
Find out more about learning to read
Try these links and resources
Our Reading Gallery
Our school library
We love the storytelling chair in the playground
Group reading in EYFS
Group reading in EYFS, the adults 'tune in' to each reader in the group
Group reading in EYFS
Acorn Class love their book corner, it even has a roof - as requested by the children!
Acorns book corner
Phonics games help the children apply their learning
Phonics activities in EYFS
We love it when grown-ups come in to share their favourite stories with us.
Book Day 2022
We love pop up books!
In EYFS there are opportunities to read everywhere
“I’m getting really good at reading tricky words.”
— Teddy, Year 1