Welcome to Oaks
The Oaks are our Year 2 children. In Oaks we are enthusiastic, inqusitive, creative and independent learners.
We are keen to share our knowledge, skills and talents and always do our best!
Our overarching themes for learning throughout the year are Places, People and Living Things. Within these themes we will learn about The Great Fire of London, Explorers, Jamaica, Mary Seacole, and Habitats (and much more!).
Meet our staff
Lucy Woodhurst
Spring 1
Why are some continents hotter than others?
Who is Andy Goldsworthy and how does he use nature to inspire his sculptures?
What is a habitat?
See the Curriculum Overview for this half-term to hear more about the exciting things we are learning!
Class Letters and Curriculum Overviews
Take a look at some of our fantastic learning!
Home Learning
How can you help your child? Each week the children will bring home:
a new reading book
a book from the school library that they have chosen